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February 25, 2025

Borrowing On Invoices Help You Make Payroll

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woman working on borrowing invoices
Once an employee is hired, the recruiting costs no longer apply to that employee.

Borrowing On Invoices Generates Payroll Cash

Most companies get the cash they need for their payroll obligations from their accounts receivables activities. Payroll problems develop when the past due invoices start to pile up and the company can no longer rely on its cash flow to meet payroll. The problems get compounded when a company needs to take out a long-term bank loan to meet payroll obligations.

Instead of borrowing from a bank, you should use the power of your own outstanding invoices to get the cash you need to make payroll. A Payroll lending company will fund you for your invoices upon completion of the work or delivery of the products. You pay a small lending fee for each invoice, and then you can enjoy the benefits of a consistent and reliable cash flow. The lender will even take care of the accounts receivables and collections activities for you in a manner that is seamless to your clients.

If your employees are your company's most valuable asset, then payroll is your most important investment. When you utilize the convenience of invoice lending to help improve your cash flow, you can make that investment in your payroll with confidence each and every pay period. You can also rest easy knowing that you no longer have to worry about the uneasy task of collecting money from your clients as that will be done for you in a professional manner.

It is often said that a company's greatest asset is its employees. One of the reasons that this statement has become so popular is because employees tend to take up a significant portion of a company's expenses. The costs for maintaining a qualified staff of employees can be astronomical for any company. That is why making payroll each and every pay period can often become difficult.

When it comes to employee costs, there are long-term costs and short-term costs. In other words, there are costs that are associated with processes that can require a great deal of time to materialize, and then there are costs that repeat and have a short span between each new cycle. Payroll is a short-term cost, but the pursuit of the funds to keep payroll going is definitely a long-term process.


As far as each individual employee is concerned, recruiting is a short-term expense for the company. While the company has perpetual recruiting activities going on, the end result is hiring a new employee. Once an employee is hired, the recruiting costs no longer apply to that employee.

Recruiting costs include payroll for human resources personnel, advertising for available positions within the company, sending company representatives to job fairs and college campuses and the cost of mailing out correspondence to potential employees. All of it adds up, and it all needs to be accounted for in the company ledgers.


One of those long-term costs that was discussed earlier is training. This is an ongoing investment that the company makes in each and every employee. Some training is equipment or product specific, while other training is company related. For example, the training required to run a new software program is product specific. The training required to learn how to file a time card is company specific.

Aside from payroll, training is one of the most significant investments that a company makes in its personnel. If the company wants things done properly, then it needs to have good training. Not only does good training insure that the job gets done right, but it also improves employee morale.


Another employee expense is turnover. This is both a short-term and long-term financial issue for the company. It is a short-term issue because an employee that no longer works for the company stops being a financial asset of the organization. But it is a long-term issue because all of the costs that went into keeping that employee productive need to be compared to the revenue the employee generated to see if that employee created a profit or a loss.

Employees that were with the company for a very short time tend to be a loss, especially if they went through the initial company training before quitting or being let go. Employees who have a long tenure with the organization tend to be looked as creating a profit.

Employees leave companies for a lot of reasons, but pay is usually one of the biggest problems. When an employee is consistently paid late or works for years without a raise, then that employee will seek employment elsewhere.

Receivable Financing Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%
20+ Years In Business & Over 3,600 Clients
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