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February 25, 2025

Factoring Receivables in the Horizontal Drilling Industry

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oilfield factoring receivable

Factoring Receivables in the Horizontal Drilling Industry Horizontal drilling is one of the most exciting discoveries in the oil industry in recent years. It allows oil drillers to maximize returns from each oil well because the tools used are so technologically advanced. However, the horizontal drilling industry has its share of financial challenges just as most industries do. One of the primary reasons for cash flow problems is due to offering open credit terms to customers. As the owner of a horizontal drilling company, you know this is necessary to attract and keep your customers. Unfortunately, the slow collection process on outstanding invoices ultimately impacts your own company's bottom line.

Accounts Receivable Factoring: A Sensible Solution To A Cash Crunch

What many business owners don't realize is that they may be sitting on thousands or millions of dollars in accounts receivable that could be converted to liquid assets. 1st Commercial Credit is among a few horizontal drilling factoring companies that provide an immediate solution to cash flow problems. The typical customer of our factoring company has one or more of the following issues:

  • Rapid expansion has exhausted the initial supply of working capital
  • Can't get a bank loan due to being a start-up business venture or a very small business
  • The company experiences significant sales variation according to the season
  • Lost lines of credit with banks due to covenant violations
  • Need the ability to compete with larger horizontal drilling companies by offering customers attractive credit terms

Money In Your Business Bank Account Within The 1st Week

At 1st Commercial Credit, we believe in keeping things simple. We ask you to complete a two-page application and provide a few basic pieces of information to verify your business credentials. We are primarily interested in how timely your customers have paid your company in the past. You stand the best chance of getting approved for an accounts receivable loan if you submit invoices from customers with a good track record of timely payments. Your account representative processes your factoring loan application the day it is received. It then takes three to five business days to establish your new account. Your deposit will be made 24 hours later. Repeat customers have the money they need within one business day.

Why Oilfield Industries Choose Us?
20+ Years In Business & Over 3,600 Clients
$10,000 & up to $10 million Facilities
Set up in 3 to 5 working days
No facility fees - No audit fees
No monthly minimums
No financials required
No up-front fees - No hidden fees
We make same day decisions
No invoice minimum fees
Financing rates at
0.69% - 1.59%