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February 25, 2025

Help for Medical Providers Who Don't Have Time to Wait for Insurance Reimbursement

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The complex health insurance reimbursement program in the United States often means long and frustrating waits for medical providers to get paid. Whether you are a hospital administrator or operate your own practice, you don't have time to deal with accounts receivable issues. Your time is much better spent treating patients. However, reality dictates that your medical practice needs consistent cash flow to operate and expand. That is where 1st Commercial Credit can help. We are a factoring company that buys aged accounts receivables to provide medical centers with immediate cash flow.

How Medical Accounts Receivable Financing Works

When you send a bill to a third-party or government payor, it means that your organization has to do without the money until the claim is paid. When insurance companies challenge the necessity of services or Medicaid initially denies a claim, your wait for reimbursement takes even longer.

We offer the following solutions based on your medical establishment's average accounts receivable:

  • If your hospital or clinics net realized value (NRV) of outstanding claims is less than $500,000, we will purchase your billings at a discount. This medical factoring program is ideal for organizations with lower volume that need cash flow to expand clinic or hospital operations.
  • Medical providers that have greater than $500,000 in NRV may be eligible for our asset-based receivables financing program. This program offers prime plus schedule to qualified applicants.

We're on Your Side!

At 1st Commercial Credit, we empathize with your plight. It seems like every insurance carrier has different requirements you must meet to obtain reimbursement that is rightfully yours. When you throw in government programs like Medicare and Medicaid, it can seem a never-ending case of red tape. We are here to simplify your professional life and provide immediate access to needed cash flow. Medical providers turn to us for a variety of reasons, including being too new to obtain traditional bank financing and needing capital to carry out growth initiatives.

We are willing to provide medical accounts receivable financing to any qualified company. The following are the types of medical providers we serve most often:

  • Sole and group practice doctors
  • Nursing homes
  • Physical therapists
  • MRI and radiology centers
  • Durable medical equipment providers
  • Hospitals
  • Home healthcare agencies
  • Laboratories
  • Ambulance service providers

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