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February 25, 2025

Plastic Injection Supplier gets a Line of Credit Using Receivables

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Plastic injection suppliers gets line of credit using receivables

As an international leader in invoice factoring for small businesses, many industries related to plastic injection business come to us for funding. If you own a Plastic Injection company, you can tap into your outstanding invoices and establish a line of credit using your unpaid invoices. As long as you have invoices owed from creditworthy clients, we will assess them as the collateral for funding up to 90% of face value you may need to sustain your receivable based business line of credit.

Learn more about invoice factoring basics

Receivable Financing Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%
18 Years In business & Over 3,200 Clients Funded
Fast Approval Process
3 to 5 Day Initial Setup
Low Credit Score Accepted
No Financials Required
No Up Front Fees to Set up
Free Invoicing Software

A Business Line Of Credit Is Critical To Plastic Injection Molding Companies

Plastic injection molding companies are an important part of the supply chain for many industries and sell to very large buyers. The money required just to get a mold ready for the first run is considerable, and the ongoing process of creating exact products to customer specifications is also expensive. But no matter how high profile the buyers may be or buy in sales volume, the molding company still needs considerable cash flow to keep its business going. It seems like the larger the buyers are, the more they expect on extended payment terms. We have been able to fund outstanding invoices up to 120 day net terms for this industry.

There is much more to a successful plastic injection molding company than just pouring molten shot into a mold and then pulling out the final product. To get it done right, the injection molding company needs experienced personnel on staff, the best materials available and the most advanced equipment. All of that costs money, which makes cash flow extremely important.

Plastic injection molding companies have the same accounting concerns that all other companies have. They need cash flow, but past due invoices are slowing cash flow down to the point where the company has to consider outside financing to keep operations going. Instead of turning to bank lending or cash advances, a plastic injection molding company should consider a business line of credit funded by a factoring company. When you use accounts receivable financing to fund your company's ongoing operations, you are not taking on any new debt and you are not relying on the whims of a bank that can take weeks to make a financing decision.

Plastic injection molding companies do a very specific type of business that requires a constant flow of materials and cash to keep going. The process with a new client starts with client specifications for the plastic parts that will be used. Most people do not understand the significant amount of engineering and planning that goes into something as simple as a cup holder.

Optional Trade Payable Financing for Buyers to pay suppliers

We Attract Clients That Experience:
20+ Years In Business & Over 3,600 Clients
Growing faster than their cash flow
Slow cash flow due to a slow payments
Require Funding in 3 to 5 days
Need export receivable financing
Uneven seasonal sales volume
Need import payable financing
Lose their line of credit at the bank
Require purchase order financing
Factoring Rates at
0.69% to 1.59%