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February 25, 2025

1st Commercial Credit, LLC sponsors low-income schools

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sponsor low income school

1st Commercial Credit believes in helping struggling children with additional help in literary skills to ensure our community strives with prosperous young adults.

Raul Esqueda, President of 1st Commercial Credit, LLC says “I grew up learning Spanish before grade school, and made it very challenging to catch up in English with the rest of the kids in school. Kindergarten for me was just trying to following and understand instructions given by the teacher. Fortunately, I was able to grasp the English language fast but some children are not as adaptable and require more work than our public school system can provide.”

Literacy First, is an organization that provides tutors to low income areas in Central Texas and is sponsored by many individuals and local businesses.

Literacy First AmeriCorps Members impacted the Austin community by serving over 144,000 hours tutoring and working with their school communities. Members also served over 9,000 hours working with community nonprofit partners, supporting our community of need.

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