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Louisville Invoice Factoring Company
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What Differs Invoice Factoring From Traditional Bank Loans

When businesses are looking for sources of working capital, they often will end up comparing factoring vs. bank loans. There are many different reasons why one financing option might be better for some businesses than others. Still, as a factoring company in Louisville, 1st Commercial Credit provides businesses in all industries and sizes with a broad range of lending options. We can also help borrowers transition from traditional bank loans to factoring. While factoring receivables and bank loans both provide the much-needed capital, the two options are very different. It is a good idea for business owners to assess both financing options to give a concrete idea of how these two financing options compare and differ.


Every business will need funding at some point to get started, meet payroll, invest in marketing, or cover other expenses. Self-funding or borrowing from family and friends and family is often used initially. After this, businesses often turn to a banking relationship as the next step to access funding. Even though there might be a relationship already established between the bank and a company, meeting the lending criteria for bank loans has become challenging for most business owners. In situations like this, exploring the differences between factoring and bank loans and another alternative financing method makes sense for businesses to evaluate their financing options fully.

Although the lending market has strengthened during the past years, the effects of the last financial crisis are still affecting business owners. With the tightening of the underwriting criteria, many businesses are being turned down by banks. To give an idea of how challenging qualifying for bank loans has become, applicants need a well-structured business plan and a strong credit profile to be considered for a loan or line of credit.

The "5 Cs" of credit analysis also plays a crucial role in the decision. Banks will assess a borrower based on their:

1) Capacity to repay

2) Capital that the business already has

3) Collateral usually in the form of assets that can be pledged to secure the loan

4) Conditions specifying how the money will be used

5) Character which gives a general impression of the borrower.

With all this information, banks will then make a risk determination and decide if the business will have the ability to repay the commitment. Unfortunately, even if a business gets approved for a loan, it's often not for the total required amount the business needs, and it can often take a long time before the funds are received. 

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While a business should explore various financing options, owners should not be discouraged if the bank turns down their request. Even if the bank doesn't extend a traditional loan, factoring companies might still be able to provide alternative types of funding. 1st Commercial Credit maintains a unique position of serving businesses in Louisville with cash flow issues. When your banking institution can't help, we step in as a specialized lender to assist the company in need.

Now that you know there are other options besides traditional bank lending, the next step is to figure out if factoring will be a good fit for your specific situation. When conventional bank loans are not possible, invoice factoring can provide a fast and flexible way to fund a business.

Factoring helps a business release the cash tied up in its accounts receivable. Factoring allows companies to have the ability to get out from under a cash crunch by accelerating the business's cash flow. Although factoring has been around for a long time, many business owners don't know about it or don't quite understand the process and how it differs from traditional lending. To further look into the main differences between factoring and bank loans and understand it better, here's a summary of both comparisons: 

Invoice Factoring

  • The approval process is short and fast. Getting approved for a factoring line of credit can happen within 24 hours or less. 
  • To be eligible for factoring personal and business credit values are less important. Factors evaluate the creditworthiness of a business's customers, making this alternative form of financing an attractive option for individuals without a solid credit history.
  • As your business operation and receivables grow, so does the availability of working capital. This gives the business greater borrowing flexibility.


Bank Loans

  • The approval process with traditional banks can take several weeks to complete.
  • Banks will run an in-depth credit analysis that provides a risk profile for the individual and business requesting conventional loans. Credit requirements are tough to meet and often keep borrowers from receiving funding.
  • The bank loan or line of credit structure will establish a predetermined limit. This means that when that level is reached, trying to gain additional working capital is challenging, and frequently a new loan needs to be requested.


In order to make the best decision for your Louisville business, some due diligence and research need to take place. If you are a well-established company with outstanding credit and many years in the industry, you might meet traditional bank loan requirements. However, for many companies with poor credit, limited operating history, or few assets to pledge as collateral, those loans and lines of credit may not be an option. For those businesses, we recommend the alternative financing solutions that invoice financing companies offer. You can reach out to 1st Commercial Credit to find out how factoring might be a more efficient, affordable, and reliable alternative form of cash flow financing.

healthcare factoring company in Louisville

Healthcare Factoring and Medical Invoice Factoring In Louisville

Medical factoring financing solutions offer a fast and straightforward process for healthcare professionals to obtain working capital. This alternative financing method is ideal for home healthcare agencies, medical practices, physicians, mental health clinics, pharmacies, senior living facilities, hospitals, medical transport, imaging centers, urgent care centers, and many others. Healthcare factoring, sometimes called “medical receivables factoring,” provides immediate capital to medical providers to fund ongoing business operations.

Factoring is the outright purchase and sale of accounts receivable (invoices) at a discount from a provider’s fully billed charges. The lending companies providing these financing services are called “factoring companies,” and the businesses selling their invoices are “the sellers.” The seller’s clients can be the patients receiving the services, and in other cases, the insurance carriers or government payers generally referred to as “account debtors.” The fast cash a factor gives to the seller as payment for the accounts receivable is typically called an “advance.” 

Healthcare accounts receivable financing is an advantageous and attractive option for healthcare providers that involves the transfer of an asset rather than a money loan. Factoring companies primarily focus on the ability to collect the account receivable being purchased rather than the credit score of the healthcare provider. This makes factoring a suitable option for many growing businesses when traditional lending proves impractical or unavailable. 

Factoring also provides immediate cash access without making business owners wait a long time before receiving the funds. Factoring companies also offer extra servicing, including all invoicing handling and collections responsibility. Factoring can be recourse or non-recourse. Recourse factoring puts the risk of non-collection on the invoice seller, who typically agrees to buy back any uncollected invoices from the factor if this were to happen. On the other hand, non-recourse factoring places the risk of non-collection on the factor itself, who is responsible for carrying all of the risks if payment is not received. Once the factor and the provider sign a formal factoring agreement, the factoring relationship begins. 

Healthcare factoring provides an affordable and practical solution for providers wanting to improve or maintain a positive cash flow when their customers take several months or even years to pay for goods or services. Factoring also provides a better alternative to traditional medical financing as it does not involve loans or create additional debt. 

1stCC Provides Funding For Advanced Manufacturing Firms

Manufacturing companies can’t afford to wait 30, 60, or 90 days to get paid by clients when they have various immediate expenses to take care of. Some of the expenses include material costs, supplier payments, payroll, and many other unexpected expenses to worry about. Many times waiting isn’t an option for manufacturers. Financing for manufacturers allows small businesses to get paid right away for the products that have been delivered. Receivable factoring is the best way for businesses like yours to get the cash it needs to expand. In less than 24 hours, 1st Commercial Credit can get you the money you are owed from your unpaid invoices and free you to pursue other business opportunities.

Manufacturing business owners are experts in their industry and essential players. We are experts in helping businesses get working capital and improve the cash flow necessary for expansion. When you choose 1st Commercial Credit, you can be sure you have partnered with the best receivables factoring company for your manufacturing firm. Manufacturing is a broad and complex industry, but luckily, we are expert lenders who have worked with many different industries. Let us assist you in resolving all of your financing needs and goals so your company can continue thriving. We have worked with various manufacturers, including:

  • Equipment
  • Packaging
  • Textiles
  • Plastics
  • Chemicals
  • Machinery
  • Auto Parts
  • Steel Products
  • Food/Beverage
  • Machine Shops
  • Electrical
  • Paper
  • Plastics
  • Wood

Our supply chain finance solutions offer manufacturing companies the highest advance rate against the total value of the outstanding receivables. We also provide purchase order financing and trade payable financing for qualified manufacturing plants.

financing options for startups in Louisville

What Are The Different Lending Sources Available For Startups?

There are a few options to finance your startup business in Louisville, and choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and goals. Business owners should look at different options to see what would work best for their Louisville business. Startups need money to run operations and cover all expenses. After all, startups need time to build up their sales, and while on that stretch, they still need to hire staff, get inventory and equipment and pay themselves a small salary.

There are several startup business financing options, including:

Banks and Credit Unions- Traditional lenders tend to have tricky standards to qualify for startup business financing. In order to be eligible, you may need an established credit score, a well-structured business plan, and decent collateral to pledge. These conventional lenders also have a longer application process that can take several weeks. However, if your startup does qualify, the loan interest rates can be more competitive than other lenders. 

Credit Card Companies- If you have a credit card, you can use it to cover initial costs. The credit card company may also offer lines of credit, loans, or other options to fund your business.

Angel Investors- Angel investors are individuals with the resources looking to invest in startup companies. Owners can find local angel investor groups and reach out to them. These investors are more willing to take risks than lenders because they take some of your company's profits. 

Venture Capital Funds- Venture capital funds are facilitated by professional investment firms looking to invest money in startups. These professional firms can make more significant investments than angel investors, but their standards are also typically stricter.

The Small Business Association- The Small Business Association, is a government resource that helps startups raise money. If you qualify for their program, they'll partially guarantee a loan with a bank or different lender to improve your chances of qualifying.

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Factoring Companies- Starting a startup company can be thrilling and exciting, but it also comes with many challenges, especially when it comes to cash flow. One of the most crucial decisions new business owners need to make is how they will finance their startup. Banks are usually hesitant to finance a startup company and have a long list of strict requirements, so getting a traditional loan might not be an option. Thankfully, other forms of alternative financing offer a faster and more flexible way to secure working capital for startups without acquiring additional debt to your balance sheet. One of the main challenges entrepreneurs deal with is having sufficient funds to cover payroll, bills, and other costs that can come up along the way. Having a reliable and accessible funding source can determine whether these startups succeed and grow or fail. Factoring companies in Springfield offer a financial solution called invoice factoring.

To summarize, here is a shortlist of some of the main advantages of invoice factoring for new business owners: 

  • It's fast and simple
  • It offers flexibility 
  • It's scalable 
  • A way to improve your credit
  • Provides many growth possibilities
Manufacturing factoring in Louisville
What Is Louisville Known For?

Louisville is famous for its bourbon, bluegrass, and year-round fun in the home of the Kentucky Derby and Muhammed Ali. This city is also the largest in Kentucky, where visitors can see landmarks honoring some of history’s most significant influencers and dine at top restaurants. Louisville welcomes visitors with exceptional Southern hospitality. You can also stop by the Muhammad Ali Center, the gym where his boxing career started, childhood home, and burial site at Cave Hill Cemetery.

Cave Hill Cemetery is also famous and is the final resting place of the famed founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Louisville resident Colonel Harland Sanders. Some museums to visit include the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, the Frazier History Museum, and the Kentucky Derby Museum.

Economy Of Louisville

Greater Louisville embraces its vibrant entrepreneurial climate and is a region with a diversified economy focusing on different sectors. On top of this, this region’s bourbon production is a significant contributor to the state’s economy. In fact, 95% of the world’s bourbon is made in Kentucky. Some of the key industries in Louisville are healthcare and aging innovation, business services, logistics, and e-commerce, advanced manufacturing, and food and beverage.