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Madison Invoice Factoring Company
1st Commercial Credit | Madison
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Funding in 3-5 days
Supply Chain Financing Solution
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1st Commercial Credit | Madison
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1stCC Converts Sales on Credit Terms For Immediate Cash Flow

1st Commercial Credit is an invoice factoring company in Wisconsin that provides receivable factoring services for all types of businesses serving various industries. We have over 18 years of financing business owners and have become the preferred invoice factoring company in the nation for growing companies. We fund outstanding invoices for small, medium, and large companies every day, and these businesses enjoy incredible growth after setting up a financing agreement with us. Our receivable factoring services allow business owners in Madison to offer credit terms to customers without running into cash flow issues. We have made our processes fast, flexible, and accessible. Even if you have bad credit, you can still qualify to receive affordable financing with competitive rates to help grow your company.

‍Invoice factoring comes with many benefits but having a fast and straightforward option for getting cash is the most significant benefit. It is essential to mention that factoring is not the same as a bank loan. Factoring companies will determine your eligibility based on your buyer's credit quality, not your company's. 1st Commercial Credit is a specialized lender that evaluates accounts receivable and can make a prompt approval decision. ‍In contrast to traditional banks, factoring companies have quicker approval and funding processes. The list of requirements is not as long, and the main requirement is that an applicant has invoices for work or orders that have already been delivered. It is also crucial that your business works with creditworthy customers. So, in summary, as long as a company has been in operation, meets revenue requirements, and is free of liens or legal issues, approval is highly possible.

Accounts receivable financing may be the solution for those business owners in Madison dealing with piles and piles of unpaid customer invoices. These businesses can't wait several weeks or even months to receive payment. Factors provide an alternative form of financing where companies can sell their invoices to a factoring company in exchange for a large percentage of the invoice in the form of a cash advance. The factoring company becomes responsible for collecting payment and following up with the customer. After receiving payment for an invoice, the factor pays the company the remainder of the invoice amount after subtracting the factoring fees. This alternative financing method allows business owners to quickly access the money they have earned but haven't yet received. Since it isn't a typical loan, it can be a good option for business owners with bad credit or short operating histories.

The cost of factoring services varies from factor to factor, and these fees are based on different factors, the main one being the value of the accounts receivable. Most factoring companies pay a high percentage of the invoice value upfront. Advances can be as high as 97% and vary depending on the industry. After that, a factor might charge anywhere from 1-4% of the value of the invoice per month. The longer it takes your clients to make payments, the higher the factoring fee. 1st Commercial Credit is an experienced lender offering financing and asset-based lending for small and medium-sized businesses in Madison. We are a specialized factoring company working with many industries and providing a wide array of financing options. 

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Receivable Financing Rates
From 0.69% to 1.59%
Quick Approval Process!
Easy Set-Up in 3 to 5 Days.
No Financials up to $350k.
Over 20+ years in business.
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Many companies are finding conventional financing expensive and challenging to obtain. The good news is that 1st Commercial Credit is here to help. The fastest way to access cash upfront is through a factoring company that can provide immediate, simple, and straightforward funding. 1st Commercial Credit can evaluate, approve, and provide financing within a few working days. Accounts receivable factoring is ideal for improving cash flow when customers take 30 days or more to pay.

Factoring is the perfect alternative for your business if:

  • You are struggling to pay suppliers, manage fixed overhead costs, or have trouble making payroll each period.
  • Your company can't get new clients because it can't offer the credit terms they demand.
  • You can't grow or invest in marketing for your business because you don't have sufficient funds. 

Once you have determined that factoring receivables is the right solution for your company, the next step involves evaluating a list of potential factoring companies in Madison to find the best rates, services and maximize borrowing capacity. When searching for a factoring company, it is crucial to take the time and compare different factoring proposals to choose the best deal for your business.

Not taking care of cash flow problems right away might cause companies to miss out on many opportunities, be forced to make late payments, and struggle to fund payroll. Eventually, the business will run out of cash and even risk the company's future. Some of the everyday situations causing cash flow shortages are:

  • Slow-paying customers.
  • Sales on extended credit terms.
  • Problems invoicing and collecting.
  • Low-profit margins.

We Provide Purchase Order Financing To Meet Your Trade Financing Needs

Purchase order financing is typically used for trading businesses that buy and sell and deal with suppliers and end buyers. This type of financing is used when a company has purchase orders that can be financed to retain good cash flow and grow. Many business owners do not know about PO financing and how good an alternative it is for investment. Purchase order financing can bring many advantages when negotiating with end buyers and suppliers.

Trade payable financing in Madison

The purchase order finance process looks like this: 

Step 1: the finance company pays the supplier on behalf of the buyer

Step 2: supplier ships the product to the buyer or directly to the customer

Step 3: The final product is delivered

Step 4: The receivable is paid to the finance company 

Final Step: the finance company receives payment from the customer, is reimbursed for funding costs, and the remaining balance is sent to the buyer.

Most companies struggle with running low on cash flow, which can affect the ability to fulfill a big order from a customer. Having the cash flow for international supply chain operations is crucial for many companies involved in international trade. Not completing an order and paying for manufacturing and delivery can cause your business to lose clients to a competitor. It is crucial to know that if your company has not delivered the product/goods to the client and, most importantly, has not invoiced them yet, PO financing is the best option for you. However, if your company has delivered goods and invoiced the client, invoice factoring is the better option. You can contact 1st Commercial Credit, and we will provide solutions for your specific business needs.

Asset Based Lending is a Major Source of Funding for Manufacturing Companies In Madison

Manufacturing companies in Madison are facing extraordinary challenges to remain competitive in today's economy. Manufacturing companies can benefit from asset-based lending because cash is needed to run production lines and ensure future viability. Asset-based loans work great for companies with cyclical sales cycles. Most manufacturers experience cyclical revenue, either because of their market or industry. Here are five reasons manufacturing companies are taking advantage of asset-based lending and factoring for manufacturing companies.

Improve Liquidity

Asset-based lending provides Madison companies with improved liquidity. When used correctly, this type of lending offers financial stability and predictable cash flow. This situation will help stabilize operations for companies growing rapidly, have tight cash, or have inconsistent revenues.

Existing Assets Used as Collateral

Another advantage is that it uses tangible assets, usually your company's accounts receivable, machinery, inventory, or equipment, to secure an asset-based line of credit. Businesses can typically borrow up to 85% of their eligible accounts receivables, 75% of machinery and equipment, and 50% of inventory. When comparing asset-based loans to other types of business lending, it's often easier to qualify for because the tangible collateral lessens the lender's risk.

Ideal for Seasonal Demands

Because asset-based lending relies on a company's assets, asset-based loans are outstanding for manufacturers that deal with seasonality and have drastically different high and low revenue generating periods. ABL provides immediate cash to balance the time between starting the service/order and receiving payment on your accounts.

Fulfill Big Contracts

In manufacturing, one big contract can require an immediate need for additional financing, which traditional bank lines of credit are typically unable to provide. Asset-based lenders specializing in the manufacturing industry understand that needs change quickly in this industry. They can often increase your credit line quickly rather than make you wait weeks. This speed and flexibility can mean the difference between landing that big new contract or missing an opportunity.

Factoring company for manufacturing companies in Madison

Handle Your Business Ups and Downs

Many manufacturers experience cyclical revenue, either because of their market or industry. Borrowing based on cash flows may not offer the available credit to sufficiently fund their busiest times or high volumes. Asset-based loans are rotating lines of credit, so they continue to have an ongoing repayment process instead of taking out long-term debt that requires monthly payments.

Flexible, Reliable Lending 

Asset-based lending is an excellent option during uncertain economic times. When the economy is not doing well, manufacturers' operations and revenues tend to be affected. When the economy is flourishing, asset-based lending helps businesses deal with cash flow behind revenue growth. Overall, asset-based lending gives companies flexibility and access to capital not available with traditional financing.

Leverage Receivables For Your Madison Agriculture Business And Get Funding Today

The agriculture sector is responsible for many agriculture-related activities that contribute to a state's economy, including growing crops, preparing the soil, and raising livestock. It also puts food on the table of families and provides jobs. There are millions of farms in the U.S., and most of these are family-owned. Although the U.S. Department of Agriculture supports agribusinesses through initiatives and innovation, these companies often struggle with slow-paying customers, seasonal dips, and ongoing working capital needs. As these situations can result in cash flow issues, the business slows down and faces potential financial risks. The good news is that Agriculture invoice factoring provides working capital for every crucial component of the agriculture sector in Madison. 

If you are a farmer, shipper, or distributor with many customer invoices continuing to add up, you can turn to agriculture receivable factoring. Factoring is an effective and accessible option to maintain a healthy cash flow when you can't afford to wait for customers to pay you. Slow-paying clients can negatively affect your cash flow and working capital, as well as any possibilities to expand your business. Bank loans can be an option, but they come with high interests and add debt to your books. In addition, qualifying can be difficult if you're a new start-up or have a limited credit history. On the other hand, agriculture factoring allows business owners to get an advance on their unpaid receivables so they can buy supplies, finance payroll, and run daily operations. Factoring doesn't demand collateral, and most agribusinesses can qualify as their customers' credit is considered instead of the business itself.

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Companies in the agriculture industry have particular needs and challenges different from other industries. Unpredictable weather, government policies, equipment needs, repairs, and fluctuating prices can all impact farming and cause drastic changes in revenue. That's why looking for an alternative financing option to maintain cash flow and sustain growth is crucial. 

Receivable factoring helps support agricultural businesses, including:

  • Farmers and growers 
  • Processors and packers
  • Manufacturers
  • Shippers 
  • Distributors
Factoring company serving Madison businesses
What Is Madison Known For?

There is a reason why Madison is the state capital of Wisconsin. This city is home to an active cultural scene, with popular events such as the enormous annual firework and music festival known as the Rhythm and Booms show. It also has various museums and art galleries, as well as a diversity of attractions for visitors. In the summer, the city's extensive bike trail network is an excellent place for cycling enthusiasts. Visitors and locals enjoy sailing on lakes Mendota, Monona, and Waubesa.

    Some outdoor activities to do in Madison in the Winter include skating, skiing, hockey, and ice fishing. In summary, there are a lot of things and places to discover in Madison. This city offers some of the best sightseeing opportunities, unique places to visit, and fun activities to do.

    Economy Of Madison

    Madison's key industries produce advancements that have a global impact. Madison, Wisconsin, is solid in the following sectors: advanced manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, information technology, and life sciences. This combination of the strength in legacy sectors and growing leadership in newer sectors yields a diverse array of innovations that have helped Madison's economy thrive and prosper. Businesses and the Madison community work together to create a culture of collaboration to increase the impact of these advancements. Companies like ABS Global, Epic Systems, GE Healthcare, and John Deere call this city home and continue to display growing success and are a true testament to the value Madison offers as a location for these businesses. Madison's business-friendly infrastructure, intelligent and skilled workforce and world-class academic resources make it a perfect region for business success.